Pixel art is very popular in the NFT world recently. It is a very primitive expression when thinking about drawing digitally, and it reminds me that the painting started with the cave paintings of Lascaux and Chauvet. Well, I think it’s certainly very interesting.
By the way, many of my paintings are landscape paintings composed of simple color planes, as you can see from the “Painting Works” page, and the motif is a house on the horizon.
When I was thinking about NFT paintings, I thought it would be interesting to incorporate the motifs of my paintings into NFT ART. Because, when I draw the “motif that one house is standing alone” in my painting, I try to eliminate specific elements as much as possible and share it with the senses of as many viewers as possible. In other words, I sought universality. To that end, I pursued a simple image that can be said to be symbolic, and I cut off various elements.
If this motif were to be expressed in pixel art, the idea would be the same in that the elements would be scraped off as much as possible to create a symbolic image. Rather, the pursuit of simplicity, which was previously limited by the physical paints and materials of the painting, can be expanded to areas unknown to me, such as cutting down even the resolution. Yes, as long as you use materials such as physical paints, the materials are “raw things” and “itself”, so we could not escape from the strength of the concrete reality that they have. I am looking forward to seeing what kind of world the act of “cutting down the resolution of the image” made possible by working on NFT will show.
Digital will make a primitive return, and new possibilities will be created for art. Please enjoy the new art of Yuta Kato.
さて、僕の絵画作品の多くは『Painting Works』のページを見てもらえば分かるように、シンプルな色面で構成された風景画であり、そのモチーフは地平線の上の一軒の家です。
そこで、NFTの絵画作品を考えていた時に、僕の描き続けている絵画のモチーフはNFT ARTに落とし込むと面白いのではないだろうか?と思いました。というのも、僕は自分の絵画作品の「一軒の家がポツンとあるモチーフ」を描くにあたり、なるべく具体的な要素は排除して、出来るだけ多くの鑑賞者の感覚に共有できることを心掛けました。つまりは普遍性を求めたのです。そのために、象徴的で記号的ともいえるようなシンプルなイメージを追求し、画面からは色々な要素を削ぎ落して描いているわけです。
—my OpenSea page is here(OpenSea のページ)—